Additional Covers and Options

Additional Covers

Tailor your protection as your lifestyle changes

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Our range of additional covers and options can be added to any of our core covers with the flexibility to be removed at any time.

Additional Covers

Family Income Cover

Protect your family's living costs if something happens to you.

Take out our Family Income Cover alongside Life Cover, Serious Illness Cover or Income Protection. There are two levels of cover to choose from: Primary Cover, or Comprehensive Cover, which comes with some extras.

  • If you die, Family Income Cover pays your family a guaranteed monthly income. You can also choose to be covered in case you fall seriously ill.
  • If you choose Comprehensive Cover, our Spend Protector also pays your family's bills in the first year, up to a maximum amount.
  • If you have Primary Cover, we'll pay your family a £1,000 lump sum towards funeral costs. For Comprehensive Cover, we'll pay £2,000.
  • If you’ve got a VitalityLife Plan and you choose cover that will pay out if you fall seriously ill, you could get Serious Illness Cover for your children too.
  • We pay for a guaranteed minimum period of up to ten years.
  • You can increase your cover in line with rising living costs.
  • We pay for a guaranteed minimum period of up to ten years.
  • If you have the VitalityLife Plan our Guaranteed Insurability Benefit means you can increase your cover without more underwriting if you get married, have a child or increase your mortgage.
  • And if you have the VitalityLife Plan we could reward you with reduced premiums each year*.

* Premiums are not reduced for Vitality Plus. Also premium discounts do not apply to the Essentials Plan.

Paid on death/terminal illness
Min term 5 years
Max term Reviewable premiums 60 years
Guaranteed premiums 50 years
Min sum assured £250 each month subject to minimum premium
Max sum assured The monthly equivalent that will lead to a total payout of up to £20,000,000
Min entry age next birthday 17
Max entry age next birthday 75
Max expiry age/date Age 80 exactly
Paid on death/terminal illness/serious illness
Min term 5 years
Max term Reviewable premiums 50 years
Guaranteed premiums 40 years
Min sum assured £250 each month subject to minimum premium
Max sum assured The monthly equivalent that will lead to a total payout of up to £3,000,000
Includes any Serious Illness Cover/Disability Cover
Min entry age next birthday 17
Max entry age next birthday 65
Max expiry age/date Age 70 exactly
Education Cover

Make sure your children can fulfil their potential.

Education Cover is designed to make sure that your children don't have to miss out on any part of school life, even if something happens to you. If you die we'll pay a range of benefits for each child on your plan, to help cover the costs of their education. You can even choose cover that will pay if you become seriously ill.

  • We give your family £840 each term to cover school costs like uniforms, books and school trips.
  • We pay a £1,000 Star Award if your child excels at an activity.
  • We pay the fees if your child goes on to further or higher education. There's a maximum, currently £9,000 each year. If the Government increases tuition fees, this maximum will go up too.
  • Even if your child doesn't go on to further or higher education, we'll still support them after they turn 18 by paying them £3,000 a year for three years.
  • If you choose our Private School option, we'll even pay private school fees. You can choose to cover day fees or boarding fees. We'll pay up to a maximum of £11,788 per term per child.
  • We make sure your benefits increase in line with rising school costs.
  • We'll give your family a one-off School Absence Benefit of £1000 if one of your children covered falls ill and is hospitalised for more than 10 days while we're paying Education Cover, or if they miss more than 20 consecutive days of school.
  • Plus, if you have the VitalityLife Plan we could reward you with reduced premiums each year*.

* Premiums are not reduced for Vitality Plus. Also premium discounts do not apply to the Essentials Plan.

Paid on death/terminal illness
Min – Max term Available for a child, 18 years or younger at entry
Min entry age next birthday 17
Max expiry age/date 75
Maximum expiry age/date Age 80 exactly
Paid on death/terminal illness/serious illness
Min – Max term Available for a child, 18 years or younger at entry
Min entry age next birthday 17
Max entry age next birthday 65
Max expiry age/date Age 70 exactly
Optional Serious Illness Cover for Children

Additional peace of mind for parents.

Optional Serious Illness Cover for Children pays you a cash lump sum if your child suffers a serious illness. You can purchase up to £100,000 extra cover for each named child on your plan, even if you don't have Serious Illness Cover.

  • We cover more illnesses so you are more likely to receive a payment when your child needs it
  • Payments are based on severity, so you may receive a payment at an earlier stage of your child’s illness or disability, even if it is not life threatening
  • If your child’s illness progresses or if they are diagnosed with an unrelated illness, they could still be covered to receive another payout
  • No additional underwriting is required although pre-existing conditions are not covered
  • You can purchase up to £100,000 extra cover for your children
  • You do not need to have Serious Illness Cover to have this cover
  • You can choose from either the Primary or Comprehensive level of Serious Illness Cover for Children.

Fast facts
Min sum assured £20,000 per child
Max sum assured £100,000 per child
Min entry age next birthday 1 months exactly
Max entry age next birthday 17
Max expiry age/date Plan anniversary before the 19th birthday (or 24th birthday if in full time education)

Additional Options

Protected Cover

Top your cover back up tp 100% automatically after you've made a claim.

Protected Cover lets you top your plan account back up to its original level immediately after a claim, giving you extra reassurance that you'll have more cover in place should you need it again.

Get more protection with our Protected cover options
  • Two options available:
    Protected Life Cover: Top up Life Cover only
    Protected Life and Serious Illness Cover: Top up both Life Cover and Serious Illness Cover
  • We will top your cover back up with no additional underwriting, no additional exclusions and unlike competitors' buy-back options there will be no change to your premium.
  • You can add a Protected Cover option atthe outset of your pla, or at any time before a claim.

Why you should consider this option?
  • Half of all heart attacks are repeat attacks. Source: American Heart Association - heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2003
  • 30-43% of people who recover from their first stroke will have another one within 5 years. Source: Royal College of Physicians National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke, 2nd Edition, June 2004
  • 49% of those suffering a chronic condition are likely to be affected by more than one condition. The need for multiple claims and protecting you and your dependents in the future is therefore greater. Source: Multimorbidity prevalence and patterns across socioeconomic determinants: a cross-sectional survey, BMC Public Health 2012

Fast facts
Min entry age next birthday 17
Max entry age next birthday 65
Max expiry age/date When Serious Illness Cover and Optional Serious Illness Cover for Children have ended
Premium Waivers

Get extra certainty that you are covered.

There are three premium waivers available which can be added to your plan, to provide you with added security.

Why protect your premiums?

If you become ill and cannot pay your premiums, your policy may stop altogether. This might mean you have to take out another policy to get re-covered. With the Premium Waiver option, we will waive your plan premiums while you are ill so your cover does not stop.

Get more protection with our Premium Waivers

Waiver of Premium on Incapacity

If you become ill, injured, or disabled, we stop charging the plan premium for your plan. You can choose a deferred period (the period of incapacity before your benefits are paid) of 7 days, 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.

Waiver of Premium on Death

This cover is only available if you have a joint life plan. If one person covered dies or is diagnosed with a terminal illness, we stop charging plan premiums for the other person covered by your plan.

Waiver of Premium on Serious Illness

If you get a serious illness that we class as severity A, we stop charging the plan premium for your plan. You do not need to have Serious Illness Cover to have this waiver.

Fast facts

  Waiver of Premium on Death Waiver of Premium on Serious Illness Waiver of Premium on Incapacity
Min term 5 years 5 years 5 years
Max term 40 years 30 years 54 years
Min entry age next birthday 17 17 17
Max entry age next birthday 65 60 60
Max expiry age/date
(not applicable to whole of life)
Age 75 exactly Age 70 exactly Age 70 exactly

Protect against rises in the cost of living.

Indexation allows you to increase your cover each year, without further underwriting. This protects against rises in the cost of living, making sure you have the cover you need now and in the future.

Why you should consider this option?
  • Indexation provides peace of mind that the purchasing power of your selected cover will not diminish over time due to the effects of inflation.
  • This feature becomes increasingly beneficial as people get older and their needs or the likelihood of suffering a serious illness increases – new policies would require underwriting and premiums may have risen.
  • Indexation can be added at no extra cost at outset. When your cover increases in line with rises in the cost of living your premium will increase as well to take account of the additional cover.
  • You have the flexibility to decline an invitation to increase your cover without losing the right to further indexation. In fact, we will only remove future indexation once you have declined three consecutive increases.
Guaranteed Insurability Option

Increase your cover if your life changes in specific ways.

If you have a VitalityLife Plan, this option guarantees that you can increase your cover if your life changes in specific ways. For instance, if you have a child or become a homeowner, you can increase your cover without giving more information about your health.

Events we cover
  • Childbirth or adoption
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • New or increased mortgage
  • Every third plan anniversary (Income Protection Cover only)
  • Promotion or change of job leading to a salary increase (Income Protection Cover only)
  • Increase in value of estate leading to an increase in inheritance tax liability (Whole of Life Cover only)
  • Legislative change leading to an increase in inheritance tax liability (Whole of Life Cover only)
Serious Illness Cover Booster

Get even more help coping with the long term effects of some serious illnesses. Find out more

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